Energy Conservation
Immediate conservation opportunities are those which can be performed in the current fiscal year. Such measures may include increased senior management involvement, behavior modification of employees, or awareness/training, such as, turning off lights when leaving a room or turning down heaters when closing for the night; the elimination of unneeded appliances, such as hot plates or duplicate coffee pots; and keeping lighting fixtures, filters, and heating and cooling coils clean. A Daily Energy Conservation Guide and a more detailed list of possible immediate conservation measures that should have the greatest effect in work environments may be found in our adopted Energy Management & Conservation Action Plan.
Medium Range conservation opportunities are those which can be performed within two (2) fiscal years requiring no significant funding beyond the current programmatic / critical programs or additional legislative support. These measures may require more preparation than the immediate measures and may require the acquisition of energy efficient materials to replace existing items. Examples of these items may include replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact florescent lamps or reducing the wattage on bulbs when possible. Other possibilities include acquiring photocells to have lights turn on and off automatically; cleaning and providing for the periodic maintenance of filters, coils, and vents; and arranging for the recycling of reusable materials. A more detailed list of possible medium range conservation measures that should have the greatest effect in work environments may be found in our adopted Energy Management & Conservation Action Plan.
Long Range conservation opportunities are those which require more than two (2) fiscal years to initiate or complete and may require additional funding or legislative support. These measures may require the acquisition of energy efficient materials; contracts for retrofitting; replacement of older or inefficient products; supplements to existing budgets; or additions or changes to statues, regulations, policies, etc. Examples of these items may include: providing training for personnel in energy efficiency, the upgrade of computers and monitors to more recent energy efficient models, and upgrades to internal networks to allow for the reduction in the number of printers used within the office. A more detailed list of possible long range conservation measures that should have the greatest effect in work environments may be found in our adopted Energy Management & Conservation Action Plan.